Equality Act 2010. Access to the Countryside.

Pony Axe S provides all terrain access for ALL people who use wheelchairs, in their own wheelchairs, in total safety, across any terrain.



The Equality Act 2010 requires providers of “facitlities” to make reasonable adjustments in order to avoid a disabled person being placed at a “substantial disadvantage” compared with a non disabled person accessing the facility


Here is John Craven on rural access for the disabled, “But on the royal edition of Countryfile, guest-edited by Prince Charles, the Paralympian star Hannah Cockcroft showed me that even on a country park track designed with wheelchairs in mind there are snags such as steps, boggy spots and fences hiding the view. ‘Hurricane Hannah’, who won two gold medals in her racing chair at London 2012, told me: “We have to accept that some areas are simply out of bounds if you’re disabled and no one wants the countryside to be concreted over with paths. But many places could do better.”

Pony Axe S means that Hannah Cockcroft is now wrong. No area of the Countryside is “out of bounds if you are disabled”, and there is no need to concrete anything.

Pony Axe S provides a safe, inclusive, eco friendly “reasonable adjustment”.

People operating countryside areas can comply with the Equality Act 2010 by providing full access with Pony Axe S. You can assess demand and make the area completely accessible without any capital expenditure and without making any alterations to the environment. If the demand justifies lifts, hoists, surfaced paths or whatever, they can be provided where the demand justifies them and the environment can accept them.

Pony Axe S provides the “reasonable adjustment” the countryside needs. Complying with the Equality Act 2010 is now easy, environmentally friendly and affordable.

Contact: Simon Mulholland. simon@ponyaxes.com 07510 736518